The Human Element in Cybersecurity: Building a Secure Culture

Webinar Recap:

Did you miss our recent webinar on « The Human Element in Cybersecurity: Building a Secure Culture »? No worries! We’ve gathered key insights and highlights from the event to provide you with a comprehensive recap.


1. The Human Element in Cybersecurity: We explored the pivotal role of human factors in establishing and nurturing a robust cybersecurity culture within organizations.

2. Building Blocks of a Secure Culture: We discussed key principles and strategies for cultivating a secure culture that protects against cyber threats.

3. Cybersecurity Awareness and Training: We emphasized the importance of education and awareness in strengthening security practices.

4. Fostering a Culture of Accountability: We delved into how organizations can encourage responsible cybersecurity practices at all levels.

5. The Role of Leadership: We examined how leadership sets the tone for a cybersecurity-conscious organization.

6. Real-world Examples and Case Studies: We shared successful implementations and addressed common challenges in building a secure culture.

7. Q&A Highlights: Get answers to important questions from our experts during the webinar.


Sarah Mitchell

Sarah Mitchell is a cybersecurity expert dedicated to promoting cybersecurity awareness and building a secure culture within organizations. With over a decade of experience, she’s known for her engaging presentations and practical insights, making cybersecurity accessible to all. Sarah’s passion lies in empowering individuals and organizations to protect their digital assets in today’s digital age.

Date & Time: 

The webinar took place on October 3, 2023, at 2:00 PM (UTC).

Webinar Replay:

If you missed the live event, you can access the recorded webinar by clicking here.

Don’t miss out on the valuable insights shared during this webinar. Watch the replay to discover how focusing on the human element can strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity defenses and create a culture of security awareness.

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